
Delivery Agency Service

You Buy, We Ship

Arashyp offers you a free address, which you can use to deliver your products after purchasing from online shops.

We will then forward your packages to you in one box

Service Fee
  • Package receiving fee:
  • Free (When you submit the order form)
  • AED 5 (When you do not submit the order form)

Purchasing Agency Service

We Buy and Ship

Let us know what you need, and we will buy it for you.

Use our all-inclusive service from personal shopping and consolidating to worldwide shipping

Service Fee
  • Handling fee:
  • A flat rate of AED 5 per store order (Up to 5 items from the same store)
  • Payment processing fee: 8% of the item price (credit/debit card)
  • 2.5% of the item price plus the domestic shipping cost (if applicable)